"DESCRIPTION 1"="For Internet Explorer 6.0 and above: Internet Explorer supports a new featured called "Address Bar Search"."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="You can define a keyword, e.g. "google" and enter this, plus the word it should search for into the address bar of IE. For example, you could simply enter "google Xteq" to perform a google search for "Xteq". This saves some time when you do research on the web."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="This plug-in list all address bar search keywords, which you can edit, add new or delete."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="After making changes, please restart Internet Explorer."
"DESCRIPTION 5"="HINT: To add add new search engines here, simply do the following:"
"DESCRIPTION 6"="- Go to the website of the search engine and search for a very strange word, e.g. "XoXoXoX"."
"DESCRIPTION 7"="- Hit the "GO", "SEARCH" button or whatever the button is called on that site."
"DESCRIPTION 8"="- When the results are displayed, copy the entire URL from the address bar of IE into the clipboard (CTRL+C)."
"DESCRIPTION 9"="- Add a new entry with this plug-in and paste the URL (CTRL+V) into the second popup window."
"DESCRIPTION 10"="- Before clicking on OK, change the strange word (e.g. XoXoXoX) in the URL to %s."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
dim iItems 'contains the total amount of the registry keys
Dim aryItems() 'contains the name of the Registry paths (direct files starting with ".")
Sub Plugin_Initialize
if RegPathExists(sPath) then
Call ReadRegistry
Call Disable
end if
End Sub
Sub ReadRegistry
for l=1 to iItems
Call SetUIElement(l,"")
ReDim aryItems(iItems)
For l=1 to iItems
'save the name
sURL=RegReadValue(sPath & sName & "\@")
Call SetUIElement(l,sName & " (" & sURL & ")")
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
if ElementIndex=1 then 'Add
sNewName=InputWindow("Please enter the keyword for this search, e.g. 'google'","",1)
if IsEmpty(sNewName)=false then
sNewURL=InputWindow("Please enter the complete URL for this search, including http:// and the parameter %s (e.g. 'http://www.google.com/search?q=%s'","",1)
sNewURL=InputWindow("Please enter the complete URL for this search, including http:// and the parameter %s (e.g. 'http://www.google.com/search?q=%s'",sURL,1)